Black Friday lives up to its name...

The day begins with much work through a slow internet connection (appears to have been resolved now thankfully), and a lack of breakfast items in the apartment.

The obvious solution - go out and get something is delayed due to the need to finish some items at work - who wants to get back from a day out and go back to 1/2 finished work???? Ok it wouldn't be the first time but this day - my foot was down. Work complete (well, that part of it anyway) and we head into Manhattan on a mission - Smoked ham hocks (I will make my lentil soup here if it kills me!!!), lego (for a stop motion project) and a sketch pad (because need to put ideas down on paper).

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I get by with a little help from my friends

Spent 2 days wandering around with Amanda, a friend from Melbourne that I can thankfully say I've finally had the chance to have a really good conversation with and finally get to know. who would have thought that it would have taken travelling to another country to do that?

So, during the 2 days, Amanda, Deanna (occasionally) and I managed to fit in quite a bit. In no particular order:

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Where all your (photographic) dreams come true...

So, B & H Photo. No amount of praise nor description from Roy, Matt nor Steve could prepare us for what we were to encounter. So I won't even begin to try, it is truly something that needs to be experienced. Suffice to say, squeals of delight, multiple OMG's and a scene over a camera bag that put When Harry met Sally to shame. Yes, we have secured the bag (insert big grin here).

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NY fatality count rises to 2 in as many days. Carmelina Pascoe reports from Brooklyn...

Following the loss of Carmelina's beloved sunnies yesterday (shades for our American readers), Australia's latest photography superstars have been struck by disaster again, causing the fatality rate to rise to 2 in as many days.

What almost passed for a quiet day of office work and rest for weary bodies ended tragically at 4.45pm when Deanna's new Sigma 35mm f/1.4 lens slipped through her fingers whilst detaching it from the camera body. The ensuing noise causing all in the apartment jump.

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This will be a marathon essay - apologies in advance, grab a coffee or a wine and settle in. 

Exhaustion hit yesterday, so a very slow day. Morning stop at the local farmers market for supplies - 4 tables of eucalyptus branches, their biggest seller! - What the? Followed by our first casualty - a fall at Nevins Street. Why did we get off at Nevins Street? Why did we not just wait on the platform? Why was I wearing those shoes? 

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Prospects are looking good

Busy day today cleaning the apartment - tomorrow we deal with cat fur (don't even get me started). 

Setting up printer and buying supplies for work, after a morning run - OK, I walked through Prospect Park and Deanna went for a run. Just because 30,000 steps yesterday wasn't enough and you know, just a few more later today. 

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We're really here!!

There's a moment after you touch down in a new country where you, still affected by jet lag don;t realise where you are.  You know but theres a defining moment where it sets in your brain.  For me - and for Deanna, that moment was the next morning, when we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and saw the Statue of Liberty.  It hit us both like a 2x4, we were here - IN New York.  The long flight, the unfamiliar apartment, the jet lag, it wasn't all a bad dream, it was true and it served a purpose.  There's something about travelling with someone that knows you inside out - many looks, many half uttered sentences and we both knew we were sharing this special moment together..

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And I took the road less travelled...

Firstly, let me start by apologising for not posting more often.  I am sorry.

Secondly, let me take you on a journey - it will get strange, it will take us to places and scenes that will make us feel slightly uncomfortable.  It will make you laugh, it may make you cry (although I hope not too often - or lots if they are tears of laughter), it will challenge your perception of the world you live in and hopefully make it a better place to be.  Or it may do none of these things, it may just be a nose dive into the rabbit hole that is the inner workings of my mind.

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Performance anxiety

I am very fortunate to be surrounded by an incredibly supportive group of people.  My family, my friends and my followers and my fans, my colleagues, my collaborators, my collectors and my clan, I really couldn't do what I do without them.  Whether it's keeping the wheels turning at the office, providing inspiration, a shoulder to lean on, or a last minute meal (thanks Momma!), I am able to do what i do and I am who I am because of them.

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Do you see what I see?

Do you see what I see?

A recent video published by Canon THE LAB: DECOY - A portrait session with a twist shows just how much of an impact we as photographers have on or work.  What we put into it, what we choose to leave out, how we present our subjects, these all deeply affect the finished product.

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Struggle Street

Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been 4 weeks since I last went walking.  I feel like it's almost a sin to not have walked for so long.  There have been many reasons why.  Primarily because of working on the website and preparations for the exhibition.  There are 80 photo's displayed so as you can imagine it took some time, but to be perfectly honest I think it's more basic than that.  I've just not been feeling it...

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It's all personal

Street photography is a passion for me.  Capturing the moments, wether sad, joyous, nonsensical or seemingly mundane, this is what drives me.  Documenting the lives of everyday people.  And it is an intimate process as odd as that may sound.  Most people I photograph are not aware that I am shooting them, so how can it be intimate?  It just is.  I am seeing a moment in their lives, one that is mostly missed by other people who are busily caught in their own concerns to notice anyone else.  I notice the moment, the look on their face, their body language, sometimes it's a comment they are making.  I am in that moment, I am with them, sharing it, living it, and for the briefest of moments, I am tied to them.  

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And so it begins...

To be honest, I am not an expert.  There are so many things I don't know about photography. I'm not saying I know nothing, but it is a long path from beginner to expert.   I enjoy learning new skills and developing my technique.  I'm honoured and so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with an array of incredibly talented photographers.  Their support, friendship and mentoring mean a great deal, and ensure I always try to challenge myself.

So this blog will be a random mixture of topics.  Tales from the streets as I wander and shoot, the development of ideas, and as street photography is essentially a study of humanity as well as how we relate to our environments, thoughts on humanity.  I occasionally write short stories to go with my photos, wether street photography or candid portraits, so maybe some information about their development.  

I welcome any questions or comments you may have.  This blog belongs to you as much as it does me and it is through discussion and interaction that we grow.  I look forward to continuing my journey with you.

So come... walk with me.